Saturday, July 10, 2010

Transverse Carpal Ligament

This is my last day of work before surgery on Monday. I still don't have any pain in either my hands or arms, but the numbness and tingling has seemed to increase. It actually kept me up last night.
I spoke with my Doctor on Thursday to ask some recurring questions like....."Are you sure I'll be able to work again after surgery!?" He reassured me that I should have no problem. The surgical site may be sensitive for a few months, but after that I should be fine. Then he proceeded to explain the procedure to me. Once he cuts through the skin and fascia he will come to the Transverse Carpal Ligament. This ligament provides the roof for the Carpal Tunnel where the median nerve and tendons to the thumb and three middle fingers rest. He will cut the TCL which will release the pressure that has been placed on the nerves and tendons. The hope is that this will relieve the numbness in my fingers and stop the atrophy that is happening to my muscles. Since my case is labeled moderate to severe, there is no guarantee that the numbness and tingling will stop. Only time will tell. The promise is that it can prevent further damage to my hands.
My concern was that cutting the carpal ligament would leave my hand more susceptible to pain, widening of the wrist and further injury from doing massage or work with my hands. He went on to explain that the Transverse Carpal Ligament is a very thin sheath that provides one last level of protection to the median nerve and tendons that lie below it. In severe trauma cases he has seen it has been what prevented the median nerve and tendons from being severed completely, but other muscles in the hand will provide strength and protection to my wrists and hands.
Whew! There's one fear gone.

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