Wednesday, July 7, 2010


It started in April. My palms were itching. The kind of itching where I was convinced that something was actually growing under the skin. Both hands - on the bottom of my palms. I would scratch and not get relief. I would rub them with a pumice stone or on the side of the wall, but they still kept itching.

I have been practicing massage for the past 23 years, but this past year I took the plunge and opened my own studio. I live in a great town and business picked up quickly. I had a steady clientele and a waiting list most weeks. Then the itching began. I didn't give it much thought at first. Maybe a skin irritation from so much work. Then one night I woke up with intense neck pain and swollen, numb fingers. That went on for four days. At the end of that time, my middle three fingers were numb and have remained so ever since.

Despite my physicians suggestion that it may be carpal tunnel syndrome I decided that I knew better. Since I had suffered from neck pain, I was convinced that my cervical vertebra must surely be the source of the trouble. After I invested a lifes savings in traction devices, neck rolls, braces, tapes and various other items, I did stretches, exercises and got massage. The pain in my neck diminished but my fingers still tingled. I got XRays, MRI's and EMGs and they all led back to Carpal Tunnel.

It has now been six months since the itching and three months since the numbness began. My thenar eminence is atrophied and my hands are beginning to ache. So I'm off to surgery on Monday. A little numb to what that means at the moment, but more about that later.


  1. I'll be following your progress with much interest. I, too, have Carpal Tunnel and expect that surgery will be in my near future. Best of luck to you. I dream of a future w/o pain in my hands.

  2. Feel better soon Sue! Let us know if we can do anything at all to make you feel better!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Sorry about that removed post - was trying to edit. So what I said was:

    I wish you a complete and quick recovery, Sue. And I totally agree with your daughter about the manicure - what a great idea not to restrict yourself to just one color!

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